Harp Seal

Sunday 2 September 2012

Harp Seal:  Harp seals are pinnipeds, which mean that they are able to live on land and in the water. They are very social creatures who stay together in large herds but only form bonds with their young. Ancestors of the seals were most likely dogs. Perhaps that is why their young are called pups. Creatures that lived on sea coast so long ago used the food of the sea to survive and their bodies became adapted to that way of life.Bodies became streamlined for speed in the water. Feet became webbed as swimming was of major importance to survival. Blubber became a factor in survival.

They live in the North Atlantic Ocean. They are excellent divers and the blubber helps protect their bodies from the pressure of water when diving deep. Their lungs are designed to collapse during deep diving so on the way back to the surface they will not suffer the pain of the bends. They can stay under water for over a half hour. Their heart rate slows and their blood only flows to organs of priority. Like whales, they use a method of communication called echolocation. Sounds from the seal swimming bounce off objects in the water, whilst the seal, having very keen hearing, knows where the object is.

 Harp Seal
 Harp Seal
 Harp Seal
 Harp Seal

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